Couples Therapy for Betrayal Trauma

Healing from betrayal due to a partners addiction or emotional or sexual infidelity is one of the hardest things a couple can go through.

Couples therapy provides a safe and supportive container for both parties to process their feelings, increase understanding and empathy, and work towards rebuilding trust and intimacy.

In couples therapy, the therapist can provide a neutral third-party perspective and can facilitate productive conversations between partners. This can help to reduce defensiveness and increase empathy and understanding, which is essential for healing and rebuilding trust.

The therapist can also help the sex or chemically addicted partner to understand the impact of their behavior on the betrayed partner and to develop healthy coping strategies and accountability measures. This can help to reduce the risk of relapse and can increase the sense of security and stability in the relationship.

Sessions available at Crows Nest and Northern Beaches practice along with zoom for people in other parts of Australia, abroad and convienience. 

sex addcition betrayal trauma couples counselling
Betrayal Trauma counselling therapy sydney

Betrayal Trauma Symptoms 

Do you have intrusive thoughts and images?

Do you have nightmares or flashbacks?

Are you experiencing Hypervigilance?

Do you have Insomnia?

Have you withdrawn socially?

Are you having unexpected mood swings, fits of rage or a numbness?

Do you feel crazy and can't trust you own reality?

Have you noticed your eating more or struggling to eat?

These are just some of the syptoms of Betrayal Trauma. 

Addicition and Trauma Therapist